Another grim Friday for stocks

European shares ended Friday’s session down 2.5 percent. The indexes were worst hit by banks: they tumbled on renewed fears about big losses in that sector after HBOS released much worse than expected figures and the chief executive of JPMorgan Chase said the US bank has had a “terrible” November and December.

Car makers suffered following the failure of rescue talks for their US peers. BMW, Daimler, Renault, Fiat, Peugeot and Porsche were down between 2.6 and 6.3 percent. The dollar has tumbled and the British pound has been at a record low against the euro.

Oil prices fell after the collapse of the government bailout plan for American car makers and Goldman Sachs cut its price forecast for US crude to 45 dollars a barrel and said it could drop to as low as 30 dollars a barrel in the short term as demand collapses.

European markets up as central banks plan interest rate cuts

European shares closed up, with the Dow Jones climbing from its biggest drop in six weeks, as central banks mull over plans to boost growth. The FTSE is up, as is the German DAX and France’s CAC 40. Tesco, Britain’s biggest supermarket chain, rose close to 10 percent. The company cites its new budget range for bringing in an extra 300,000 shoppers a week. Oil prices closed down, with Brent at just over 46 dollars a barrel. Economists now await the expected interest rate cut by the European Central Bank and the Bank of England

Markets stable after day of mixed news

Europe’s markets were up and down on Thursday, lifted by the promise of interest rate cuts but held back by page after page of glum financial figures. In the end there was little lost and little gained as the good news negated the bad. London fell 0.15 percent, Paris by around the same and Frankfurt slipped 0.07 percent. Philips Electronics and the TNT postal group were among those who had to lower earnings forecasts. The finance sector was boosted though by the rate cuts, which pushed up ING financial services group and British bank HBOS.

Strong growth on Asian markets

The Asian stock markets continue to grow significantly, after FED decreased the key interest rate to 1%. A similar measure is expected to be adopted in Japan today. The USA GDP is also expected on Thursday.

The stock market in Japan saw its main indicator, Nikkei, growing 9.96% on Thursday, after growing 7.74% on Wednesday and 6.41% on Tuesday. On Monday, Nikkei was at its lowest level in the past 27 years.

In Seoul, the stock market was closed at an 11.95% growth, in Sidney – at 4% and at 6.29% in Taipei.

In New York, the market saw the Dow Jones decreasing 0.82%, even after the announcement on the key interest rate, but Nasdaq grew 0.47%.


În accepţiunea generală, marketingul reprezintă „ştiinţa şi arta de a convinge clienţii sã cumpere” . Philip Kotler definea marketingul ca „un proces social şi managerial prin care indivizi sau grupuri de indivizi obţin ceea ce le este necesar şi doresc prin crearea, oferirea şi schimbul de produse şi servicii având o anumitã valoare” . Simplist, marketingul reprezintă „arta şi ştiinţa de a vinde”.

Datorită caracteristicilor proceselor de marketing, modalităţilor de implementare a deciziilor de marketing, acceptiunilor şi viziunilor noi asupra elementelor care compun o acţiune de marketing precum şi ca urmare a nivelurilor diferite de percepţie şi abordare a acestei componente a economiei de piaţă, definitiile şi explicaţiile aduse termenului de marketing sunt variate şi permanent adaptate noilor realităţi ale mediului economic.

Prima definiţie oficială atribuită marketingului a apărut în 1935 şi a fost adoptată de National Association of Marketing Teachers, predecesoare a American Marketing Association. Reconfirmată în 1960, definiţia primară a marketingului a rezistat vreme de 50 de ani, până în 1985 când a fost înlocuită. Definiţia a fost din nou reviziuită în 2004 şi descrie marketingul ca o „o funcţie organizationala şi un set de procese menite a crea, comunica şi pune la dispoziţia clienţilor a valorii şi menţinerii relaţiilor cu clienţii spre beneficiul companiei şi al proprietarilor acesteia”.

Conform politicii oficiale a AMA, definiţia este reîmprospătată la fiecare 5 ani pentru a răspunde mai bine realităţilor existente şi nevoilor pieţei. Cea mai recentă modificare, adoptată în Octombrie 2007 şi făcută publică în Ianuarie 2008, defineşte marketingul astfel: „(marketing is) the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large”.

O alta definiţie, probabil mai simplă şi mai generală este: „Marketingul este un proces permanent prin care oamenii sunt încurajaţi să ia o decizie de cumpărare, de folosire, de urmare sau de conformare a unui produs, serviciu sau valori ale altei persoane. Simplu, daca nu facilitează „vânzarea” unui produs atunci nu este marketing.

Philip Kotler, în cărţile sale iniţiale, defineşte: „Marketing este o activitate menită să satisfacă nevoile şi dorinţele prin procese de schimbare”. Se poate adăuga la definiţiile lui Kotler şi Norris un răspuns al „Chartered Institute of Marketing” (CIM). Definiţia asociaţiei afirmă că marketingul este „procesul managerial de anticipare, identificare şi satisfacere a cerinţelor clienţilor într-un mod profitabil”. De aceea, marketingul operativ include procesele de analiză de marketing, dezvoltarea unui nou produs, administrarea ciclului de viaţă al unui produs, stablirea preţului, administrarea canalului precum şi promoţiile.